Thursday, April 9, 2015

Trail Food

I thought some people would interested to know what I am eating while hiking the Appalachian Trail. I'm sure things will change as I continue the journey but this will give you an idea.

Breakfast (one of the following)
Granola with or without powdered milk and water
Bagel and cream cheese
Oatmeal (not me personally, but it's popular)

Lunch/Snacks while moving
4 or more granola bars, cracker packs, fig newtons packs, or protein bars
Crackers and peanut butter
Trail mix

Carbs-pasta, couscous, quinoa, or mashed potatoes
Protein- tuna, TVP, beans, or sausage
My homemade dinners had dehydrated veggies in them. Some soup mixes do too.

Also carrying
Coco mix
Protein mix

Bonus treats depending upon how many days I'm carrying food for weight and space allowing.

I may be one of the few people on the trail who doesn't have a stash of candy. I enjoy it at trail magic stops but currently don't see the value in carrying it. Of course that may change. I am thinking of adding pudding mix to my lunches and swapping out peanut butter for cheese and sausage. Spinach may also be a light way to add some fresh vegetables to dinner.

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