Friday, April 24, 2015

We Found Virginia! Four States in 40 Days

Day 37
We hiked only 2 miles today into Hampton Tennessee! It was great to have almost a whole day of resting my feet. After finding the hostel we went to the grocery store where I bought chocolate milk and an ice cream sandwich. We then got directions to the diner for breakfast. In order to minimize our walking for the day we went straight to Subway to buy lunch the bought groceries for three days. Going to town is all about food!
A view of Hampton from the trail
It was strange to be inside all afternoon but it was great to be off my feet! I watched two movies and called my mom. Overall it was a good nero day.

Day 38
I woke up to clouds and cold air but it turned into a beautiful day. I Believe and her husband picked us up in the morning and dropped us off at the trail head so that we could slack pack for the day. It felt so different to hike without a pack on, I could tell I was using different muscles.

Watauga Lake from afar- we hiked from the bottom section of the lake, around the perimeter, to the dam across the way

 We hiked down to Watauga Lake. It was so pleasant to hike by water all day. We also got to hike over the dam. It is a very strange feeling to be walking across something that is literally holding back a lake and to see the vastly deep valley on the other side.

The location of the shelter tonight is fantastic. The opening faces west so I watched the sunset while playing the ukulele and staying warm in my sleeping bag. Just behind the shelter was a great view of the lake and a small town. I hope to wake up to watch the sunrise in the morning. 

Day 39
We managed to really luck out with weather today. Off and on there were dark rain clouds above us but they just kept blowing by. There was a box of trail magic in the woods. I had heard is was orange but I was surprised by the box itself!  We also hiked across a beautiful open field.  It was fun to watch the shadow of the clouds move by so quickly.  The one time there was a rain shower we had stopped at a shelter to get water and eat a snack.
This portion of the trail was also wheel chair accessible
I talked to a day hiker today from the area. After chatting with Chameleon and me for a bit he asked if he could take our picture. It was humorous to me- let's get a picture of real live thru-hikers!

We camped tonight and had another beautiful sunset over a lake and mountains. I feel so lucky to be spending so much time outdoors and to be so in tune with nature.

Perhaps I should mention that the trio I set out with is now down to two. Leap Frog is hiking faster due to a deadline of graduate school starting in the fall. Chameleon and I are still hiking together and all of us are still planning to hike to Katahdin.

Day 40
It was chilly this morning. The thermometer inside my tent this morning read 36° and that didn't account for the wind chill outside. It was quite refreshing and gave me extra motivation to get going on the trail.


Chameleon and I played the Alphabet game today.  Here were the results (that are true).
I went hiking on the Appalachian Trail and I brought:
Antibiotic ointment
Dry bags (and dreams!)
Ear plugs
Otter Case
Rain gear
Water  bottle
X-tra socks
Yellow rain fly
Ziploc bags

This is not a complete list of everything we brought but it was amusing (and perhaps a bit horrifying) to realize how much we did bring.

We hiked into Virginia today! We hit the fourth state on the 40th day. Sounds great to me. We will be in Virginia for a long time though, over 500 miles.

We hiked into Damascus and will be spending two nights. I'm excited to have a full zero tomorrow. There is a grocery store and a library in town so it sounds perfect!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Finishing North Carolina and Nearing the End of Tennessee

Day 31
I hiked into Erwin this morning. There was a hostel at the edge of the trail and I was able to use their computer to post my last update! We took the shuttle into town and were dropped off at a pizza and salad bar buffet. Buffets are a hikers dream and I certainly ate my fill. The grocery store was conveniently across the street too. It was a successful resupply!

The hike to the shelter out of town was all uphill and I was so sweaty by the time I arrived! A full pack and a full belly made for a heavy load. Another night of good company. The rain just started and I look forward to sleeping to the sound of rain on the tin roof. It reminds me of Peace Corps in Micronesia.

Day 32 
It was wet and rainy all day today. I probably should have stopped to put on another layer to increase my fun factor but I was warm enough as long as I kept moving. It was a short day today of 12 miles so I had a lot of free time at the shelter when I arrived. What did I do with free time? Ate some food and sat in a sleeping bag. It was a good day.

I saw a new flower today! It looked like a series of little butterflies hanging on the stem. Another hiker said the name was Dutchman's Britches. Hopefully I can get a picture tomorrow.

Day 33
I had a hard time getting into to the rhythm of hiking this morning. I felt like I was in a bit of a funk. I was happier when the sun came out and I could see into the distance a bit.

I also took my first real digger this morning. I nearly did a face plant after getting on foot caught on a root. The momentum of going downward with the added weight of a pack meant I went down quite fast. Somehow I managed not to really hurt myself, though I may have a couple bruises tomorrow.

All afternoon I had "Purple People Eater" in my head. I have no idea how it got there but I was singing it for at least four miles. This morning it was "Silhouettes on the Shade" and I never did remember the first verse.

We had a lovely campsite tonight just a couple miles shy of the last 6,000 footer. We all went to bed early but revived a bit when Walle arrived. There was a very pretty sunset that made the mountains in the distance look like they were floating. Then the fog came rolling back over the mountain.

My shoes and socks really stink from being soaked yesterday. They are in the vestibule of my tent and the stench keeps wafting in. Oh the joys of the trail!

Day 34 
We had some beautiful views today! For a good portion of the afternoon we were on balds offering panoramic views of mountains, small towns, and clouds. It was so nice not to be in a cloud on top.

The sunset tonight was a fiery orange. We didn't have a fire so I took my ukulele, sat on a rock, and played facing the sunset. It was very soothing just to play for myself and the sun as it sank below the mountains.

Day 35 
We were woken up at 5 the morning because some hikers were walking by. The were quite loud and using flashlights that shone thru tents quite easily. They hiked on and a few minutes later another group came tromping by. When the third group passed I started to get really annoyed and when one person asked what time it was I shouted, "it's 5:30!" from my tent. This went on for a hour. We were not impressed. I don't know who they were but they were ambitious and loud.

The morning improved when we had some trail magic! A man had been camping out for a few days and he made us pancakes, bacon, and eggs. It was a great surprise and very yummy.

I saw a beautiful waterfall today. The water seemed to be leaping over the top then cascaded down a series of rocks. I am so glad multiple people told us to take the side trail to check it out!

Day 36 
It was a drizzly, gray day today so I didn't get any pictures of the great things we saw. We walked across a river on a wooden footbridge with a railing on one side. Rising up from the other side was a huge stone cliff.

A little further along the trail we descended down many rock stairs to a waterfall. It is amazing how much water came rushing over the top. We looked for the trail and saw a blaze on a rock face right next to the river. We walked on rocks with the river rushing by around the bend in the river. We were happy to get to the shelter tonight! 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hot Springs to Erwin

Day 26- Hot Springs
We hiked a Nero (nearly zero miles) today into Hot Springs. The trail came out right near Laughing Heart Hostel so we got showers right away. They had a large variety of clothes to wear around town allowing me to wash all my clothes which was much needed and appreciated.

After starting laundry and beginning errands I finally got my longed for breakfast at the diner in town. I enjoyed a great veggie omelette, potato wedges, and an English muffin with jelly.

We managed to get our resupply done and our food reorganized by 2 pm allowing Rainman and Preacher to take our packs ahead for a slack pack day tomorrow. Chameleon and I went to soak in the hot springs for an hour. That was really nice and relaxing. It was a funny experience to be walking around a new town all day but to constantly see people I knew.

Day 27 
We slack packed for the first time today! I thought for sure we would move a lot faster without packs on. We ended up hiking at our normal pace but it was a lot less effort without the weight on my back.

There were five of us who were able to slack pack today thanks to Rainman and Preacher's generosity. We had lots of conversation and high spirits on the trail without packs!

I twisted my ankle but I think it'll be okay. After picking up our packs we hiked a few more miles to the next shelter. All in all we walked 19.6 miles today!

Day 28 
By the end of hiking today my fun factor was quite low. My ankle was feeling much better, but my other foot and arch hurt from overcompensating. I was definitely ready to be off my feet by the end of the day.

We stayed in a small campsite with just the three of us. We built a fire and hung our bear bags. It was a very nice and relaxing night and I am in a much better mood.

Highlight of the day- having enough cell reception on a beautiful mountain ridge to call my brother!

Day 29
I just realized we have been hiking for four weeks! It doesn't feel like it has been that long at all.

Today was a great hiking day. We had warm, sunny weather with a cool breeze. In the morning the trail went along and crossed a mountain stream a number of times. Hiking next to rippling water is always enjoyable. Later we had some great views overlooking valleys. It is wonderful to watch spring arrive. I've been trying to get pictures of all the different wild flowers I see.

We also were lucky enough to encounter trail magic twice today. I certainly had enough to eat and came away with extra snacks too.

It is interesting to meet new people each day. It is also fun to run into some of the same hikers over and over. Wharton and Walle are two in the latter category. Wharton loves to sing around the campfire. Thanks to my mom, we know many of the same songs! One song that no one knows but everyone loves is "Waltzing with Bears." I'm so glad I learned so many songs around the campfire as a kid!

Day 30 
I walked most of the day with my head in the clouds. Rain was predicted but fortunately it didn't really hit us. It was a bit windy and damp but I never had to pull out my raincoat!

At 8:15 pm and I have been the only  one up and about for at least half an hour. I will likely be in bed by 9, but it just seems so funny to me that I am the night owl. I think it happens because I sing, journal, then write my blog update, and potentially add a bit to my next newspaper update. It's quite the evening routine but I enjoy it! 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Smokies

Day 17 
Today we hiked our shortest day of 6.6 miles. We went into Fontana Dam and picked up our first resupply boxes. The hotel that holds them was quite fancy! Thankfully it was their off season so the lobby was full of smelly hikers. I was able to post my last update from their lobby. I should have done more editing I'm sure, but we didn't have the time.

We are staying in a shelter again tonight. I have my ear plugs ready. Last night I ended up setting up my tent by moonlight because the nibbling and squeaking mice kept me awake. There are showers here up the hill so I took my second shower today and washed my clothes on the sink! Lovely day!

Day 18 
We hiked our longest day yet as we entered the Smokies. By hiking such a long day I discovered the wonders of hiking in the evening. The air became crisp and fresh again as the sun sank low in the sky. As the shadows grew longer my energy level increased despite the many miles under my belt that day.

Day 19 
Today was windy! We walked across so many ridges with cross wind. I thought I might get blown off a couple times! The trail in the Smokies has been much more level from side to side. The arches of my feet are much happier. I am having a hard time concentrating tonight as I write. There are a lot of people in the shelter with many cross conversations.

Day 20 
I had the most beautiful views today leading up to Clingman's Dome. The mountains went rolling into the distance in many shades of blue. The forest was nearly glowing green when we entered the spruce trees. There was so much moss growing on the undergrowth and the green canopy above made it feel like a fairy land. The views from Clingman's Dome were not as good, though is was amusing to see all the tourists.

Shelter life tonight was great. We met our first south bounder who left Maine in June. He was very upbeat and had great stories. There was also another ukulele so there was a good variety of music.

Today was the best day on the trail so far and it didn't happen at the highest point on the AT or by crossing the 200 mark. It was natural beauty and people that made today so special.  

Day 21
Another beautiful day in the Smokies! We encountered some amazing trail angels and trail magic at Newfound Gap. We were fed a donut immediately upon arrival shortly followed by hot biscuits and gravy. After that we had grapes and cookies and were given lots of snacks to take with us on the trail. I was especially hungry yesterday, so the extra food was so appreciated! One set of trail angels said they spend a week helping thru-hikers every year for their wedding anniversary! What an amazing thing to do. Thank you!

Today continued to be filled with breathtaking views. It was a chilly, so there were frosted and iced trees on the north side of mountains. I felt like I was walking in and out of a winter wonderland all day.

It is supposed to get below freezing tonight. The shelter is full, the snoring has begun and I hear a mouse nibbling already. It'll be a great night for earplugs!

Day 22
We ate lunch at a beautiful spot today. Leap Frog and I sat on a bunch of logs looking out over the foothills of the Smokies. We could see a couple of towns in the distance, a river, and land that was flat. It was easy to see that we're approaching the edge of the Smokies. I will be sad to leave them tomorrow, they were so beautiful.

Day 23 
We left the Smokies today but not before seeing a bit of wildlife. We saw two pairs of deer this morning on the way out. One stayed around long enough for me to take off my pack, dig out my camera, and take a few pictures. We never did see any bears but I'm okay with that.

Just as we left the Smokies, I Believe (a thru-hiker from last year) and her husband provided us with some trail magic! It was great to see them again and to experience more magic. I Believe gave me a hug when she saw me and is clearly looking our for her fellow female hikers on the trail.

We then hiked on a bit with Shaggy Hobo, Kingfisher, and Ice Cream. With six of us in a row we looked like a hurd of turtles- big packs on our back moving slowly toward our goal.

We made it to Standing Bear Hostel and stopped for food and to restock on a few items. Most hikers were staying there for the night allowing time for laundry, showers, lots of food, and down time. We thoroughly enjoyed our pizzas and other snacks then hiked for a couple more miles to a camping spot. We did a bit of washing up at a stream.  While it's not as good as a shower, it was a big improvement. I must admit that even though it's raining I am enjoying having some personal space in my tent tonight.

Day 24 
Today was the second day on the trail that I have worn rain pants. I would say that is a good indicator of having good luck with weather. I saw the fog rolling in and thought it was a sheet of rain at first, thankfully it wasn't which gave me time to put on my rain gear. It lasted a couple hours, not too shabby.

I was walking down the trail and saw a man walking my way that had passed me earlier in the day. "Going back already?" I asked. "You're heading southbound right?" "No, I'm heading north." "Oh man, I don't know how I got turned around." Glad I kept someone on track today!

Fun tidbit for the day- tuna mixed with horseradish is good.

Day 25 
We hiked 15 miles today and all arrived to the shelter by 4:30. We're definitely getting stronger and picking up our pace a bit.

We had almost the same crew at the shelter tonight but the feel was completely different. It's amazing how much more comfortable everyone feels after 24 hours. So much talking and laughing tonight. We also had a fire and I sang a bit. Heading into Hot Springs tomorrow! Looking forward to a shower, good food, and clean clothes!