Monday, August 3, 2015


Day 132
The luxuries of being hosted through Connecticut and Massachusetts ended today when Elmer dropped us off on the trail. Thanks so much for hosting us! It was great to meet Weedeater's family and see Stormcloak again. Back to setting up camp every night and cooking our own meals.

Chameleon and I hiked into Vermont this morning and completed 1600 miles shortly after lunch! The trail has certainly dried out a lot. Hikers ahead warned me that Vermont was very wet and muddy. There was still a lot of mud, but thick enough to step on without soaking my shoes. It rained a bit at night so it will be interesting to see what tomorrow is like. 

Day 133 
I enjoyed a great cookout today put on by the Green Mountain Club. So nice to eat a hot burger with all the fixings as well as veggies and fruit! Thank you! I didn't even eat my own lunch today because I wasn't hungry after the hiker feed.

I had a great view from the top of a fire tower. It was wonderful to see so many mountains fading into the distance. It was slightly hazey, creating a nearly monochromatic scene.

Tonight Chameleon and I are camping on our own. The area we found is quite small, lumpy, and full of roots. We stopped because it was getting close to dark and we wanted to make sure to have time to hang the bear bag. For some reason there a lot of flies in between my tent and my fly. I'm curious to see how I sleep tonight.

Day 134 
My hike today ended with a swim in Stratton Pond. The pond was serene in the early evening with the sun lowering ahead of me as I swam into the open water. I could have stayed for hours.

I had another beautiful panoramic view from a fire tower today. The top of the tower was all enclosed with glass and sounded very strange when the wind blew through the cracks. I enjoyed the views much more a level lower in the open air.

Tonight a southbound hiker and I played a bit of music by the fire. It would have been fun to play longer but it was already past nine o'clock, long past my usual hiker bedtime.

Day 135 
I have walked 3/4 of the Appalachian Trail! I keep picturing a pie on my head with one quarter missing. I'm getting closer and closer to Katahdin!

I stopped to have lunch at a fancy shelter today. There were glass windows and a wood stove! We didn't have the opportunity to stay there but it was fun to see.

I went into Manchester, Vermont today to resupply. It reminded me so much of small towns in the White Mountains which makes me even more excited to get there!

Day 136 7-28
This morning I hiked up the mountain and found myself on top of a ski mountain. It seemed odd to walk up a ski trail and then see the lift at the top. It was still quite foggy so only the tops of mountains around us were visible.

The woods in Vermont smell so good. There were many fur trees and it smelled like Christmas. The wind has also been refreshing and cool. It makes me so happy to be in the woods.

Today we hiked to a shelter in hopes of swimming. When we arrived we dropped our packs, laid out our mats, and were about to head to the water when a fellow hiker warned us there were leeches in the water. We were so disappointed! We ended up rinsing off but did not swim.

Day 137 
I had one great view today. It looked out over the Rutland airport and across to many mountains. Someone had brought a chair to the top so I relaxed for a bit and let the warm breeze evaporate some sweat out of my clothing.

Overall I really feel that we have had great weather on our hike. After staying with so many people throughout Massachusetts and Connecticut I am feeling extra sweaty and gross. I am redeveloping a ring of chafing around my where my hipbelt sits. Hopefully I will shower in town tomorrow!

Day 138 
500 left until I'm at the top of Katahdin! 

What an afternoon of rain in Vermont! I thought it had ended part way through the afternoon but then it really started coming down. What did I do when the rain got worse? Sang every song I knew with the word rain in it. Chameleon and I had a lot of fun. It really is amazing how easy it can be to change your attitude and outlook on a situation.

We are staying at the Yellow Deli Hostel tonight. After a sweaty then rainy day, a hot shower felt great. They also provided hiker clothes, allowing us to wash and dry everything!

Day 139 
Chameleon and I got back on the trail late morning. The hostel made a great breakfast for all the hikers then Chameleon and I did the dishes after.
Today was an adjustment to my pack again. I got my warmer sleeping bag sent back to me because I'll be sleeping in higher elevations. This meant having to reorganize how I load my pack to make everything fit. In a way it felt like the first day out again at Springer Mountain. My pack feels huge!

Tonight was a fantastic night at the shelter. We met a southbounder, a section hiker, two hikers we've seen ahead of us in log books forever, and Rabbit and Gravity. Lots of swapping stories and laughter around a fire. It felt like hanging out with a group of lifelong friends. I am so happy and lucky to be here.

Day 140
I walked through very peaceful woods today. It was very quiet, no birds, no breezes, just the sound of my steps on the soft pine needle covered ground.

There was a great lookout and there was good weather. Beautiful blue skies, white puffy clouds, a cool breeze, warm sun, and mountains in every direction. I believe I was looking at the White Mountains in the distance. I will be there very soon!

Day 141
Yesterday I saw at least a dozen southbound hikers on the trail and today there was only one until the last hour! It was another quiet day. Blackberries were everywhere but not ripe yet. Seeing all the berries throughout my hike has been wonderful.

Tonight we are staying with a trail angel who was recommended by a Village Harmony friend. Her son hiked the Appalachian Trail a few years ago and is currently hiking the Pacific Crest Trail.

Chameleon and I wandered in our last Vermont town for dinner. Tornado Tim came with us, then we met up with Shortbus. There was an outdoor jam session happening which I loved. It made me excited to go contra dancing when I go home and reminded me that I really want to learn to play banjo! 

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