Day 75
I had a full zero today! Lots of protein and dairy. I walked to the lake close by and enjoyed swimming. It felt so good to be outside relaxing, air inside just feels so stagnant.
One of the odd things about zeroing has been the stiffening of muscles. I generally only feel stiff in the morning but it seemed every time I stood up today was a struggle. Going up stairs is easy but going down stairs is painful. I know resting is good but it is painful too!
Day 76
Another zero today. It was unplanned but good to continue giving my body some rest. Chameleon and I went down to the lake for a swim. It was quite refreshing. Dark clouds were coming so we began walking back to the house. The clouds broke and we got drenched! It was a warm rain and it was good to know we were returning to a house where we could get out of the rain and get dry.
Day 77
I entered the Shenandoah National Park today! Perhaps it was this area of Virginia people were thinking of when they told me Virginia was flat and a green tunnel. The terrain was very pleasant with gradual ups and downs. It wasn't a solid tunnel but parks were and others felt like a green alley.
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Green tunnel |
I found two ticks on me. I felt the first one crawling on my leg trying to hitch a ride. I thought the second one was a bug bite but when I looked under on arm it looked like the tick had just bitten me. I used tweezers and got it off with no problem.
I watched a bird (I think it was a wild turkey) cross the trail with a number of chicks. It seemed to have so many babies! A deer also stood in the trail staring at me for a bit. Instead of running away when I took a step towards it, the deer walked towards me. I clinked my poles together and it went off into the bushes.
What a lot of excitement for one day! It feels good to be back on the trail.
Day 78
Last night when I was camping I heard an animal wander by multiple times. Around midnight Chameleon called out asking if I was awake. The sound of our voices seemed to be enough to deter it from coming closer. I am quite sure it was a bear, though neither of us got out of our tents to confirm it.
As I was walking up the trail this afternoon a noise made me look left. There was a mother bear about 15 feet from me. She saw me and made a hissing sound. I quickly walked back down the trail the way I came and her two cubs climbed the tree behind her. Chameleon was able to see the cubs climb the tree. We talked in calm voices as we passed the mother bear who was hiding in the brush at the base of the tree.
The Shenandoahs seem to be a lively place. I'm happy to be camping at a hut tonight with a number of others hikers close by.
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Watching a storm approach while we stopped for lunch |
Day 79
Happy 900 miles today! It's also the first day of June. I caught a glimpse of a bear as it ran away to hide. I am thankful that running away from humans is still the instinct, that makes my life a lot easier. The terrain is still lovely with gentle slopes up and down the mountains.
Day 80
Cloudy and foggy day today with cooler temperatures made for good hiking weather. Unfortunately I wasn't able to dry out my tent after the thunderstorm last night. I'll be sleeping in a full shelter tonight because many others have the same problem.
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Our food hung from a bear pole while a deer eats dinner |
I played ukulele tonight with Peacedawg who brought a guitar on the trail. Four others came down for what turned into a bit of a performance. It didn't sound the best but it was a lot of fun.
Day 81 6-3
It was another foggy day today with a chilly wind. Oddly enough, the weather on the cliffs and rock faces was much warmer than in the forests by 10° or more.
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Some days you just have to imagine the beautiful views |
I saw another mama bear today with one cub in a tree. The bear sounded like it was dry heaving when we first heard it. Then as three of us walked by it sounded like it was smacking its jaws. I have seen a lot of deer in the park as well. They seem very tame, don't startle easily, and are slow to head back into the woods.
A trail runner stopped to talk to Chameleon and me this morning. He was training for ultra marathons and offered to take us into town. He ran 22 miles while we hiked seven. He generously gave four of us a ride into town. It was much appreciated because the idea of hitchhiking in the fog seemed quite dangerous.
Day 82
Another foggy, chilly day today. Got back on the trail by 10:15 after trying for a hitch for half an hour. No bears today or any deer.
Saw Electric Lizard today for the first time since Georgia! She said she's been two days behind us for quite a while. She told us that a lot of people from our start date are still on the trail too!
I'm staying in a shelter again tonight in an attempt to keep my tent dry. I hope there are not as many snoring hikers here as the last shelter.
Day 83
Today was the first time I ever left a shelter and headed off in the wrong direction. I hiked south for over an hour before realizing what I had done. I was so frustrated and annoyed with myself. I was able to get enough service on my phone to text Chameleon letting her know what happened as well as a couple other hikers in hopes that someone would check their phone. I hiked 10.5 miles in 3 hours and 20 minutes and just missed Chameleon at our lunch spot. I'll be curious to see how my feet and knees feel tomorrow.
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A sign post in the Shenandoah National Park |
Day 84
I saw a snake coming out of a hole in the tree today. I had walked past it when Chameleon called me back to go look. I am certainly not comfortable around snakes, though I can look at them from a safe distance. Later I saw a turtle in the trail. No bears again! Though when I woke up this morning I was told I slept through a bear coming through camp.
Day 85
1000 miles completed! That is just amazing to me! I think it is important to remember that despite the fact that everyone currently around me has done the same thing, most people would never dream of walking for 1000 miles. We passed a group of day hikers who cheered for us as we walked by. They were impressed and excited to meet real thru-hikers.
Chameleon and I celebrated by going to a hostel. The hiker special included a bunk, shower, laundry, pizza, soda, and a pint of ice cream. I must admit I impressed myself when I ate a 12 pizza immediately followed by a full pint of ice cream. Some day I will tally my average intake of calories on the trail.
The weather today was beautiful again. I must admit I'm a bit nervous about the hotter weather to come because I getting chafing on my back from my pack and sweat. We'll see what happens!
Day 86
I had beautiful weather this morning and early afternoon. Sunshine and a strong breeze blowing over the ridges. I finished hiking the rollercoaster, a 13 mile section of trail with many small peaks. I rather enjoyed it actually.
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The friendly warning for hikers |
Late afternoon and evening there was rain accompanied by thunder and lightning. Thankfully I was able to set up my tent during a break in the rain and cook my dinner in another.
I am very excited to be heading in D.C. tomorrow for a few days. It'll be great to see old friends and explore!
Day 87
We made it to the Appalachian Trail Headquarters in Harpers Ferry! I got my picture taken and my number. I was the 505th northbound thru-hiker to make it to the celebrated half way point in 2015. There are a lot of people on the trail! The actual half way mark is in Pennsylvania about 72 miles further north.
Chameleon and I took the train into Washington D.C. and made our way through the metro system without a hitch. It did feel strange to be traveling so fast and to be in a city. We arrived at Mariel's apartment and were able to shower before she got home. It was wonderful to see her again. It was hard to believe it had been almost a year since we had last seen each other in Chuuk.
Day 88
I explored D.C. today! It was smaller and less hectic than I had anticipated. Chameleon and I were able to walk everywhere from Mariel's apartment. First we explored the Smithsonian American Art Museum where there was an exhibit of presidential portraits. I learned I need to review my history.
We then walked past the White House where we were bombarded by a group of Japanese Tourists. We took pictures at the Washington Monument then walked down to the World War II Memorial.
We ended our excursion at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Unfortunately it was really crowded and we were feeling a bit tuckered out by then. There was stone money from Yap on display!
It was amazing to me how physically and mentally tired I was at the end of the day. My feet hurt and my back ached. I had walked less than half of a day on the trail and wasn't even carrying a pack and was completely exhausted!
Day 89
I went to the zoo today! Chameleon and I learned from yesterday and picked on one destination for the day. I loved seeing all the animals, though I felt bad that they were living in confinement. Seeing the lion with his big mane was a highlight for me.
In the evening we got together with a group of Peace Corps friends from Chuuk. I hadn't seen Ben and Julie since very early on in my service on 2012 and Mark I hadn't seen since our COS conference. It was amazing to see how easily we all reconnected despite not seeing each other in so long. It was hard to catch up on everything but it was attempted while we also reminisced about time spent in Chuuk. Peace Corps Volunteers definitely share a special bond, similar to the bond felt between hikers.
It was great to spend a few days off the trail and to see old friends! I am also excited to be getting back on the trail tomorrow to continue my journey north.
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