I am currently reading this and I love it. Odyssa hiked the trail as a single woman and the book focuses upon her personal experiences. I enjoy hearing about her emotional struggles and her interactions with others on the trail. Very little history, lots of narrative.
This was written by a woman who hiked the whole trail with another guy. It began as a date, as she described it, and followed their growth as a couple. The writing alternated between narrative and informative research. I liked the balance between the narrative and the informative passages. This book was a great way to think about the many different aspects that effect the Appalachian Trail such as science, politics, history, and legends.
This book was composed of many brief accounts of many different hikers. There was also quite a bit of history. I did not find it to be the most engaging but did enjoy all the tidbits of so many people's experiences.
This book was all about gear for the trail and I found it to be extremely useful. The author has hiked over 35,000 miles and offered great advice. He discussed pros and cons of gear in a well organized fashion. I am not a gear person but have read this book multiple times and keep referring to it as I make my purchases. I highly recommend it if you are planning a long distance hike.
The title describes this book perfectly. I intend to reread this before I head out and leave it with someone whom I could call to have them look things up for me. It had clear pictures and descriptions to help repair gear. This was also well organized, offering pros and cons for gear.
I read this two years ago and am struggling to remember the content. I know I enjoyed the narrative of her experience. She began the hike very under informed but went for it anyway. I am curious to see the movie that is coming out soon.
This was the book that has been referenced anytime I mentioned hiking the Appalachian Trail. It alternated between narrative and history chapters. I found the history bits to be lengthy at times. This was not my favorite book for the topic, but it is very popular.
I have not read this entire book though I have heard it is extremely useful to those hiking. It contained so much information including miles between shelters, water locations, distances to towns, and much more.
This was the first book I read about the Appalachian Trail. It focused on the psychological and emotional challenges that will be faced on the trail. I would highly recommend this to anyone about to go through a life changing experience by choice.
Let me know if you have any recommendations!
Oh good! I was thinking of you when I saw the Wild preview.